Good branding transforms a church from being the best-kept secret in town to becoming a pillar in the community. People will say, “we have been looking for you all our lives!” Do people stop to give your church a shot? The problem most churches have is they are invisible in their city.

Branding is the perception people have of your church. It’s what they say about you. The question is, are they saying the right thing about your church?

Church Logo Designs Created Using The Questionnaire

Good brands present themselves as a solution to a problem in people’s lives.

There are 4 steps your church must take to establish a great brand that reaches people.

01 Get Clear about who you are and who you are reaching.

02 Create the right experience to reach your audience.

03 Build a culture that attracts new guests to be part of it.

04 Have a clear call-to-action so people can buy in to the vision.

In this ebook, I will guide you to create a brand strategy that is proven to attract new people and I will guide you in creating the visual elements that make up your brand. You’ll find some fantastic diagrams to help you understand the process and great examples so you can see how branding is implemented visually.

To establish your church’s brand you’ll need to start by betting these 3 visual elements right.

01 The logo – it’s the most seen part of your brand

02 The website – this is where people go first to decide if they will visit

03 The signs – facility sings help people feel welcome and establishes the culture