In this episode, we discuss insights about drawing people to involvement in the church with our guest Dick Hardy. All churches face the challenge of moving people from attenders into becoming participators on a serve team or in a small group. We will unpack ideas some churches are seeing work to get people involved.
Show Notes: The culture is different now than it was 15 years ago to where you have to engage people differently. There is a business to today’s culture. Below, we list some ways that will help you create a healthy culture of volunteers.
Equip your volunteers.
The church needs to intentionally equip people to get involved in a service team.
Make it easy and equip them well when they serve, so they feel valued.
Value their time.
Time is important to people, so help them add value to others. Ask them to be part of a high-value activity.
Don’t load the calendar and expect people to show up throughout the week or they will be reluctant to serve.
Churches used to have more ministries to grow, but the shift now is to do less and do it well.
Show the wins.
The church needs to show the wins that take place as a result of the efforts of the people.
Be creative to help show the value of their efforts when people volunteer. Tell the stories of people who are impacted by the church so volunteers can see the results of what they are doing.
Promote involvement.
There are several different ways to easily get people involved.
A class is a good way to get everyone on the same page with the mission and core values. It is designed to help people get placed in a ministry that is a good fit for them.
Do the class at the most convenient time, which is a Sunday morning.
In the class, the church can promote small groups to help people connect with other people. It is recommended that the class be only one day.
Pulpit announcements are not a good move to ask for people to fill spots; it communicates to the guests that you don’t have your act together.
Have a regular flow once a year when you present sermons on involvement. Good times for an involvement focus are September and January
The best way to get people involved is for church staff to get on the phone and ask people to serve.
Think long-term.
Don’t be desperate for volunteers; plan for the long haul.
Treat your volunteers very well, for they are the greatest asset of the church.
If someone says no, keep cultivating them so they can step in when their heart is ready.
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