Photography is the first way a church welcomes people as they discover your church online. We talk with Ryan Wakefield about ways church photography tells stories that engage people to want to check out your church. He also describes ways to form a photography system to allow your church to gather a library of images to use when advertising.
Show Notes:
Your church.
There are times to use stock photos, but actual photos are more genuine. Intentional photography is desired so you show the right atmosphere.
Use images that make people feel welcome. Photography tells stories, and people connect with stories.
Reach people in the community.
Photography can be the first part of your hospitality system. Churches have what people need and they must get better at telling stories to draw people in.
Church photos are a great bait to use to reach people because they allow a story to be told through all forms of communication. It is especially a powerful tool to reach the younger generations.
Photos are also great for use on social media to spread the word about your church. Use photos to invite people on an adventure with your church.
Take your marketing to another level.
Photography takes your marketing up to a higher level to connect with people.
Great photos allow for awesome marketing materials. Strong church brands can be built around good photography.
A church might have to start off by hiring a photographer to get photos of the church. Ultimately, a volunteer team of photographers is a strong approach to capture photos regularly.
Build a photography team.
Use photographers who are good at capturing candid moments. The photos should be of how the church actually presents itself; don’t fake it.
A brand guide is a good way to communicate to photographers what type of images to capture. A naming convention is good to have in place so photos can be found on centralized storage.
This way, all of your photos will be of the same style and quality and in the same place.
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