Volunteers are a crucial part to any church brand. Jarod Hogue was in charge of hundreds of volunteers at Church On The Move in Tulsa, Oklahoma and he shares tips on how to attract and retain people to serve in the church.
Show Notes:
Give your volunteers ownership.
Jesus gives away ownership to people and we should do the same in our churches. As a church staff, you should equip others to do the ministry.
One way to do this is to create an environment that is volunteer-driven. Identify and acknowledge the unique gifts that your volunteers have and give them opportunities to put them to use.
By investing in them and allowing them to take charge, you can encourage them to be in it for the long haul.
Take time to train volunteers well.
Have a proper system in place to train them up and evaluate regularly.
Hands-on, one-on-one training is important, but you can also implement helpful videos and empower your leaders to help with training as well.
Also, be sure to let volunteers get started in a way that they feel comfortable by creating levels of involvement and allowing them to gradually work up to higher levels.
Learn to recruit effectively.
Recruiting should not be done from a stage, but in relationship. Make it more personal and get creative.
This could mean having a contest and giving away a gift card or designating a specific Sunday for volunteers to bring a friend.
Another great suggestion is to have a next steps class to plug new people into positions where they are gifted.
Emphasize your vision.
Give volunteers something worth being part of, a great organization that makes a difference.
Have a meeting to present the vision and always keep the vision in front of them. Have your service directors get together to do training and carry the vision to others.
Empower your volunteers.
Make them want to be in it for the long haul.
Appreciate them and recognize them for all they do.
Have team nights that emphasize vision, training, and of course, appreciation—with mostly celebration, prizes, food, and not much teaching.
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