This time, we’re talking about building a creative team that is amazing at producing media. Our Guest Jared Hogue has been on staff at Church on the Move as a creative director where he was able to build a large team of staff and volunteers to produce video and graphics that are used in churches all over the country today. This episode gives insights on how you can build a creative team.
Show Notes:
Create opportunities.
Give creative people a chance to serve in the church.
For instance, hold a creative night and invite people you see as artistic.
Kids ministry is a great training ground because it provides more opportunities for failure. It is a great place to start, then work up to the main services.
Set the vision.
Establish the role that creatives have to play in the church. Help them develop a love for the local church right now.
The church must be ready by providing clear direction and inspiration.
Have a creative director. Set clear standards for the work and be involved in the process so there is clarity from beginning to end.
Have checkpoints along the way as well so both sides are not frustrated.
Encourage your team.
It is always a risk to allow people to run with creative projects. Be sure the projects are set up properly to invest in the creative person.
You must be okay with things not always being good. Allow for failure.
Be prepared to have conversations to help people improve. While uncomfortable, it is necessary and fruitful. Empower them to do better.
Work together.
Look at your volunteers as being part of the team at the same level. Allow new people in the room so you can get fresh ideas.
Also, empower your creatives to grow as a leader so they can train up others. Have them help create the system to attract more creatives.
With these tips in mind, you are on track to create a productive and successful creative team.
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