Our guest is Jeff Presley with a marketing platform called Reach by Causely.
Jeff unpacks Facebook’s check-in feature and how it works to spread the word about a location. Billions of people are on Facebook and churches need to find ways to be active on it. We discuss how Facebook loves organic reach because behaviors are most determined by what people’s friends are doing and liking.
Learn more at www.causely.com/reach
Show Notes:
- Causely is a marketing company in Kentucky that developed the Reach program for churches
- Jeff worked with Southland Church in Lexington, Kentucky
- We talk about the unique challenge of churches in getting approvals
- Marketing is a ministry to grow the Kingdom
- Social media for churches is great when it is used for the right reasons to reach people for the Kingdom
- When a church focuses on marketing they are focusing on reaching beyond the walls of the church
- Marketing allows churches to preach the gospel to people who need to hear it most
- There is nothing wrong with telling other people about your church
- Jesus wants us to be fishers of men
- Fishing is a strategic sport where you have to use various methods to be successful
- We must find different ways to reach people
- We are called to be a light in the world so people can see the good works of your church
- Churches should celebrate the good works they are doing so others can be drawn to the church
- What is compelling about your church that causes people to come?
- The mission of Reach is to help churches grow and reach people; to get people who are not in the church to come to the church
- Reach uses social media to get the word out by casting a large net in an affordable way
- The people of the church are able to give to the monthly mission project
- Reach focuses on Facebook check-ins where people can check into your churches FB page
- Reach has partnered with Compassion International in May to provide a mother with food in honor of Mother’s Day
Churches are able to be creative in their marketing to help people while also promoting the church
- Facebook stats say on average 200 friends will see a check-in
- Every church knows you should be using Facebook but they may not have a strategy
- Churches should have an active Facebook page because billions of people are on Facebook and 70% of people use it daily
- Get creative with finding ways to use Facebook
- Find ways to celebrate the good your church is doing to encourage and to let others know
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