Original Graphic: $150
Original concept design for digital or print media.
Resize Graphic: $150
- Screen 1920×1080
- Social Post 1200×1200
- Poster 24×36
- Your Choice
Graphic Design Original & Resize: $300
Design the original concept and resize the design in to deliver one complete promotion kit.
Event Web Landing Page: $300
Design a page to promote an upcoming event, provide details, and include a call to action. The page will include the event design and be styled with the proper branding.
Sermon Bumper: $300
Create a bumper video for a sermon series with visual and audio elements that capture the series’ concept. This video will be ready for use in service and on social media and can be placed on the sermon replay video.
Brochure: $300
An 8 to 16-page brochure for promoting and describing an element of the ministry in greater detail. The design will include the proper branding, graphic elements, photos, and icons to clearly present the ideas.
Slide Deck: $300
We’ll design up to 20 slides to communicate a concept to an audience. The design will be consistent with the brand and include photos, icons, and graphic elements to communicate the ideas properly.
Ministry Logo: $750
Logo design for a ministry within the organization. A discovery call will allow everyone to get on the same page for the design. We’ll present some concepts and then provide the final files.
Micro Website: $1500
A website with multiple pages for a ministry or event will be created with details and basic SEO for the specific campaign. The design will be on point with the brand and include graphic elements, written content, photos, and icons to communicate clearly. A call to action will be implemented to provide the user with the next steps.