
What people need from your church after quarantine


People need a clear vision that is compelling for the next season after the Coronavirus quarantine which connects with them on an emotional level. 


This vision should be laser-focused to cut through the noise. Is should be communicated verbally as well as visually so people see it clearly.


It might be time for your church to do a rebrand so you can be ready for the new season that is to come. 



How to Get Clear About The Brand Behind The Vision

Unpack your vision by asking great questions and getting multiple voices to contribute to flushing it out. You may need a guide to help you ask the right questions and pull the information out. 


When I work with church leaders to help them form their brand, I find they already have the pieces in place to present a compelling vision, they just don’t know how to present concisely to connect on an emotional level. 


Many times an outside voice is needed to guide the process so the leadership team can collaborate well. I have served many churches to pull out great brands that were already there but just needed to be shaped properly. Now I will give you the questions I use to help them.


Generations Church

Recently I worked with Generations Church to define their compelling vision. They want to build a 3 generation church where all generations have a place to belong. Their new tagline is “Live Like It Matters” and it came from a process of unpacking their vision.


A new logo came out of this process which now clearly represents the vision. It’s important to get the logo right because it will be the most visual part of your church brand. From there the website, facility signs and other marketing items were create in alignment with the vision.


Ask The Right Questions

My process asks some compelling questions and I get to help the church leadership navigate through their answers.


Here are some examples of the questions that will lead to building a compelling brand:

  • What is the end result you have for someone that attends your church?
  • What are the 3 to 5 steps we have to get them to that result?
  • Who are we good at reaching where they attend and feel like the church was made just for them?
  • What do you ask people to do as a church?
  • What are you trying to create?
  • Why do we do what we do as a church?
  • What do we celebrate as a church?
  • What does our church do better than anyone else (church or non-churches)?

Visuals Matter to Humans

People are very aware of what they see when experiencing your church and if it does not line up with your vision for them, it creates a lack of trust. 


This will cause people to not come to your church because they are wired to cut as much out of our lives as possible that does not serve a need they have.


A brand includes all the visual elements of your church ranging from the logo, website, signs, videos, photos and physical spaces. It builds trust with people which opens their hearts to become contributors to the vision of the church.


Here are some questions to ask yourself about your current church brand:

  • Do your logo and brand match the vision of your church?
  • Is your brand current to appeal to your audience today?
  • Does your website have a clear job description that it is designed to do?
  • Is your guest experienced focused on a specific goal for new guests to help them take their next steps? 


Get It Right

Let me help you walk through the right questions I ask when I help a church work through their brand. I promise this will make you think hard about what your brand needs to be as you move forward beyond the Coronavirus quarantine period.





It might be time for your church to do a rebrand so you can be ready for the new season that is to come.


If you are ready to get your church brand set up, my membership will help you do that for a very small cost of only $37 per month. Once you have what you need, you can cancel any time. You brand will shape the effectiveness of your marketing so make sure you get this right. Check out my membership at churchbrandguide.com/membership.

Download the free checklist to guide you through branding your church.

Get the Church Branding Checklist

If you are considering rebranding your church with a website and/or logo, this checklist is the perfect starting point.

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