Many churches have events where they use their resources of time and money but they don’t see the benefit of growth after the event.

What if there was a way to ensure there is always a clear path for new people to become part of the church. What if you could plan well in advance to take advantage of natural seasons of the calendar year to maximize your impact.

Your Virtual Church Communications Director

A good marketing plan has on-ramps, which are intentional times where new people are invited into the life of the church. There should be a specific plan in place for these events that is guest friendly and there needs to be a clear call to action to the next step they can take.

Your church should always be inviting to guests, but there are certain seasons where you can see people more naturally willing to come to church.

Here are the top 4 times when people will come to your church:

  • Easter
  • Christmas
  • Mother’s Day
  • September 15 (people naturally get back into a routine)

These dates are natural times of the year that don’t require you to educate people on why they should come to church. It’s the low hanging fruit where you can ride a natural momentum.

Promote these events well with marketing dollars and equip your congregation to invite people. You’ll get the greatest return. Remember to plan a strategic next step for the event that invites people to come back to the church. This should be the win beyond the spiritual aspect.

A good next step is one that leads people into the areas of the church that connect people. When these connections happen, people are more likely to decide to become a regular attendee.

Here are some great next steps for most churches:

  • Small groups
  • Weekend services
  • Discipleship class
  • Serve team

Most churches have these individual elements in place but are missing the strategy that moves guests from an event to one of them. There is a narrative that is needed that guides guests from the event into a natural next step so people can go deeper into the life of the church.

When people are invited to a story that helps them become who they want to be, they will gladly sign up for it. Your church will serve as a guide to help them become the hero of their story by pointing them to Jesus. They will live a life that has a clear purpose and becomes contributors to the vision of the church.

Don’t be like most churches who throw their resources away because they lack a clear plan of how to get a great return on the investment.

Be intentional with your strategy to attract people when they are most receptive and help them by pointing them to their next step.

Your Communications Director

If you are tired of trying to figure this out on your own. I’d love to serve as your communications director to help you get further faster.

This week, I’ll be going in-depth on what this looks like to be strategic about your calendar of events in the Church Brand Guide Premium Membership. This will change the results you see from your events and how you plan your events to grow your church.

A good communications director may cost you upwards of $2,000 per month to hire part-time. The cost of my membership is only $37 which is billed monthly. You can cancel any time if you decide it’s not for you.

The membership is where I leverage my years of experience to serve as your virtual communications director to help you build a brand that attracts people to your church and causes them to stick.

This is a great way to get training so you can eventually hire a position with someone who is qualified.

In the membership, you’ll be able to join me on an interactive Zoom video call as I take you step-by-step through building a communications strategy for your church. You’ll also be invited into an exclusive group to get resources to help you build your custom brand strategy.

I hope you take some next steps to change the results you have been seeing! Please apply the on-ramp idea I shared in this post.

Join me in the membership if you would like greater guidance.

Download the free checklist to guide you through branding your church.