by Mpersaud | Mar 1, 2016 | Podcast Feed
In episode 3 of the Church Brand Guide Podcast, we look at the power of media to help move people to give of their time, talent and money in support of the vision. You have to commit to producing media such as videos, websites, blogs, printed graphics and...
by Mpersaud | Mar 1, 2016 | Podcast Feed
In Episode 2 of the Church Brand Guide Podcast, we talk about the logo design process and what a good logo design should do for your church. If you know what a good logo design is, then you will know how to get the right logo for your church which represents the...
by Mpersaud | Mar 1, 2016 | Podcast Feed
In this first episode we talk about the big idea behind branding and why it’s important for your church to get it right. We will take a high level view of what it takes to establish a good brand and what the results will be. Church Brand Guide Podcast with Michael...