You have a great vision for your city and I believe it needs to get noticed.
Your church has an amazing message that needs to be heard by the community. A well designed brand allows the church to be perceived as relevant so people will be drawn to hear the message it has.
When your brand’s visual design doesn’t reflect the value of your church, your perception gets tarnished. Beautiful visual designs that communicate the value of your brand help you stand out in the community and grow your brand awareness.
At Church Brand Guide, I know how stressful it can be to create a visual design that captures the essence of your church. After all, you likely didn’t get a degree in graphic design and have no clue how to work Adobe Illustrator. And here’s the thing — you shouldn’t have to.
Having a visual brand that accurately represents your value to the community is critical if you want to expand your reach. Most people think visual branding is just another necessary cost. But we believe it’s an investment that gets you a return.
With a beautiful visual brand that helps you stand out in a crowded world, word of mouth starts to spread like never before. More people will invite their family and friends because they are proud to be part of your church. And they are even prouder to introduce others to you.
I have been building church brands for innovative church leaders who want to reach those far from God. Below you will find some of the brand designs I created for visionary church leaders.
Cornerstone Church Brand Design
This video shows how we created a brand strategy for Cornerstone Church which resulted in their new visual identity.
Cornerstone Church is in Central Michigan and is doing really well averaging well over 1000 people on a weekend. They were entering into a season of change as a fresh vision emerged to reach the next generation.
V1 Church Website
V1 Church needed to reach out to their cities in Queens and Long Island. With the launch of a second campus the church wanted to step up with their marketing beginning with their website to serve as the front door to the church.
Vibrant Church Sings
Vibrant Church meets in a middle school and this is the environment we designed to help transform the school into an expression of the brand.
Brand Coaching Membership
My brand building workshop will help innovative church leaders who desire to reach those far from God create attractive visual identities that are in alignment with their vision.
The modules are designed to show you how to build a great logo, website, signs, and other visual elements based on a proven brand strategy that growing churches are using.
Get the membership here.
The cost is only $37 to get it started and $37 per month to stay in. You can cancel any time.
This is a 100%, not questions asked, money back guarantee. If this is not for you, then just request a full refund.
Get the membership here.