Watch how what we did to brand River Lights of Wonder

What is River Lights of Wonder?

Rivers Lights of Wonder is an anual event put on by Riverside Church to bless their community by providing a light show for families to drive through in the month of December. There is a narration of the story of Christmas as families drive through the display of lights for free. Festivities include a petting zoo, a train ride for kids, a movie, and crafts.

How did River Lights of Wonder do before working with Church Brand Guide?

The event started 5 years ago and had a great deal of momentum in the church and in the city. As the years went by, the momentum began to dip, and participation was not as good as when they started. In later years, the church struggled to get volunteers for the event each weekend, and it needed to get more money to keep the event free for the public. 

How did Riverside Church find Church Brand Guide and what made them decide to work with them?

Riverside Church is part of a fellowship of churches of which several churches used the services of the Church Brand Guide. Pastor Paul Booko of Riverside Church liked the results they saw from the clients of Church Brand Guide and hired them to rebrand the church with a fresh logo, website, and facility signs. 

When the rebranding process was completed, the Riverside Church leadership loved working with Michael and asked him to keep working with them. They chose a service package so Michael could work with them as their communication director for as long as needed. 

What did the Riverside leadership immediately recognize that needed fixing with River Lights of Wonder?

The leadership realized River Lights of Wonder needed to have a broader mission to be a pillar in the community at Christmas each year. Michael and the Church Brand Guide team worked on the River Lights of Wonder campaign to create a strategy and branded visual identity for the annual event. The game plan is to make the event a city-wide event with business sponsors to fund it. The goal is to promote the event by using local media outlets. 

What were some of the biggest wins with the event after we identified the problem?

The event has a fresh focus rooted in the origin story of providing Christmas for families in the community who don’t have the money to have a great celebration. The volunteer base grew as they were invited to be part of a compelling story. The church got donors and sponsors to fund the event and make it more significant than it was in the past. 

Why should someone use Church Brand Guide to help them rebrand their church community event?

Michael works in partnership with the church leadership team to create a brand strategy to help everyone understand what needs to happen to get lots of people to the event. You get insights from a marketing perspective and options you may not know are available for communicating your events.

The creative elements, such as graphics and website landing pages, are done with excellence by the Church Brand Guide team. More people start coming to the church events, weekly attendance goes up, and donations increase. 

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