by Michael | Jun 17, 2019 | Church Marketing, Church Website Design, Website
There are 3 things the best church website designs have in common. In a day where it’s never been easier to reach people through digital media, many churches are missing the mark because they don’t know the correct strategy. We’ll take a look at what the best church...
by Michael | Feb 22, 2019 | Church Marketing
In today’s world, it is a challenge for churches to attract and then to keep members. From the abundance of competition to a feeling of disconnect, people today shop around for churches a lot and then move on quickly if they don’t feel “at home” with the church....
by Michael | Jan 23, 2019 | Church Marketing
Many churches today struggle to attract people and have them stick. If you’ve experienced this in your attempts to grow your church, then you’ve come to the right place. Church Marketing Strategy: Where Did I Go Wrong? Most churches have a marketing strategy in...