See the logo design and learn about the branding process that helped Christwalk Church see more first-time guests. In this post, you’ll learn how to create a brand rather than just design a logo.

Podcast Episode: 073 Branding Process for Christwalk Church
In this episode, we are unpacking the story behind the Christwalk Church rebrand. You’ll learn how to create a brand rather than just get a logo.


  • The church, in its spiritual form, is inviting to all.
  • A church needs to cut through the noise and meet its target audience.
  • How do we do this? In my signature branding process, I give you questions to answer that will shape your brand strategy to reach those who would say, “I love it here!”
  • We can then design a suitable logo, the color scheme, and the ideal front for your brand out of these answers.

The story behind the Christwalk Logo

  • The church’s brand strategy is to target people that regularly vacation in the area. They have a laid-back mentality because they are there for leisure.
  • The circle-shaped was chosen because the church is more relational in its approach.
  • The color scheme reflects the area, which has a beach vibe. The brown, green, white, and blues are desaturated and soft. 
  • The front we choose is a simple front and trendy but not too trendy. It’s not going to be outdated within the next 10 years.
  • Also, a tip, mockup the logo on a t-shirt, mug, and other items so you can “try it on.”


  • People judge a book by its cover, so we need to get our branding right as a church to attract new people.
  • Visitors will decide within minutes of visiting your church if they will come back.
  • Church leaders need to embrace good branding. 

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