
Listen to the Podcast Episode

Churches that understand how to use emails and text messages properly are the ones that see people join the church, join a group, and join a team. These tools are very effective in helping people take their next steps. The problem is most churches do this all wrong. This episode will guide you through producing emails and text messages that move people.

Many churches struggle to get people to take their next step.

Send emails and text messages that add value to reach and engage with people.

You’ll see more people taking their next steps and getting deeper into the community.

  • Churches need to pay attention to emails and text messaging as a tool for evangelism.
  • Too many churches do not understand how to create emails that get opened.
  • Email has the highest open rate for people to read a message you send.
  • Text is an up-and-coming method of connecting with potential customers for organizations.
  • Emails keep you in front of people because they see your name pop up in their inbox. 
  • Add value to people with your emails so it helps them with a problem.
  • Only ask for something with an email after you have helped them at least 4 times.
  • Have a P.S. in your email with a call to action that you want them to do; the body of the email needs to add value.
  • Pay attention to your open rates and click rates; a great open rate is about 22%; a great click rate is 1.5%.
  • Text message is about 80% to 90% open rate.
  • The opportunity with text messages is to help people by putting a great resource in front of them.
  • People can send the church a text to receive resources if you have the right software to create the automation.
  • The prayer team can send out a text when they have prayed for someone.
  • Use texts to do ministry; ask people how you can pray for them.
  • A great email or text helps people realize they are part of an authentic community.
  • Make sure you plan and have a strategy so you can do ministry through messaging; be prayerful about it.
  • Resource: textinchurch.com


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