
This article will show you what a great church website design should look like. 

Coastal Community Church now has a website that serves the church 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to reach new guests, and it is held accountable with data.

Coastal Community Church wanted a website that could serve people to help them understand the benefits of the church. We built a new website using WordPress and Divi by Elegant Themes then we integrated Planning Center throughout.

The result is a site that helps engage with new users and provides their next steps. The site is easy to manage and integrated into the church database.

Podcast Episode

Show Notes

  • Most church websites are very confusing. Confusion is the enemy.
  • The website should be built with a goal. If the church website was an employee, what would its job description be?
  • The site needs to focus on getting new visitors to help them become guests.
  • The site needs a call to action. A great call-to-action for your website is for the user to visit the church in person or online.
  • Design the website for the new user that is checking out the church for the first time. Answer their questions so you bring down their walls toward visiting.
  • If possible, use other methods to communicate to members besides the website so there is a clear experience. This could be a church app or another website just for members.
  • The website is either building your brand by adding value to people or it’s taking away from your brand by confusing them.

01 Home Page

  • The website should be designed with a primary focal point such as getting a new user to visit the church.
  • When you provide too many options, people don’t take action.
  • Use photos to show them what you look like. Be genuine.
  • The home page needs to be clear to let people know what benefits you offer them.

02 About Page

  • The About page is the second most visited page on your website.
  • The About page should be about your audience and their needs, not about how great the church is.
  • A brand is about the story, visuals, and reputation.
  • Show your team because people are curious about who is in charge.
  • Describe the values and beliefs you have.

03 Visit Page

  • Designed to show the church with pictures and video so people can see themselves at your church.
  • Kids ministry should be highlighted because young families care about what you offer.
  • FAQ section to let people know what to expect.
  • Show authentic pictures of people smiling at the church.

04 Kids Page

  • Simple page layout with information parents wants to know.
  • Let them know the kid’s ministry is fun, clean, and safe.
  • Include a preregistration option if you are able to.
  • Let them know about your leadership.

Lesson 1

Your church’s website is where new guests come first to decide whether they will come on a weekend. 

Lesson 2

The website needs to be designed like an employee with a specific job working 24/7 to get people to a worship service. 

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